Obama, manca-ti-as!

Sorin Tudor@ | 12 December 2008
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Din ciclul “mandria de a fi rroman”:

Romania’s downtrodden Gypsies — once enslaved, like African-Americans, yet still struggling to overcome deep-seated prejudice — seem particularly inspired.

“When I saw Obama on TV, my heart swelled with joy. I thought he was one of us Gypsies because of his skin color,” said Maria Savu, whose infant grandson — Obama Sorin Ilie Scoica — was born in the central Romania village of Rusciori.

Little Obama is the third child of a poor family that barely gets by on 200 lei ($66) a month in welfare benefits. (Sursa: Boston Herald)

Multumim, Associated Press! Nu-i asa ca angajatii din Romania trebuie sa faca dovada unui IQ sub 50?

Comentarii (2) »

  1. Simona

    altfel sigur nu sunt angajati!

  2. iuliux

    Obama ar trebui sa fie mandru ca, pe langa Figo, Zidane, Elvis, Mercedes si geamul termopan, a aparut si el in lista de idoli ai tiganilor...

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