Mitul “revolutiei twitter” se destrama

Mitul “revolutiei twitter” se destrama

Scriam ieri ca “revolutia Twitter din Moldova” este o figura de stil. Iata cateva date in plus in sprijinul acestei afirmatii…

Net.effect, cei care au lansat internetional sintagma “Moldova’s Twitter Revolution” isi reanalizeaza pozitia

1. One paradox is that there are relatively few Twitter users in Moldova to start with. Google search shows only around 70 who list their location as Moldova.

2. Moldovans abroad played an important role by participating in the protests remotely by helping to keep the story alive via Twitter.

3. It really helped that even non-technology people in the U.S. and much of Western Europe are currently head over heels in love with Twitter.

4. The use of Twitter has been limited to mobilization of some local supporters and raising international awareness.

Daniel Bennet scrie despre The myth of the Moldova “Twitter revolution”

The New York Times has spoken to Mihai Muscovici who said he could provide Twitter updates from Chisinau, the Moldovan capital. But he suggests that the Twitter community in the whole of Moldova is around 100 to 200 strong. (…)As it stands, the Twitter revolution is a myth. What happened, and is still happening, in Moldova is a protest organised using social media.

Bonus: Inside Moldova’s Twitter Revolution

In the Russian-language Twittersphere, however, users are already debating the role of social-networking tools in organizing the demonstrations. It’s all very meta: They are even passing around the translation of a New York Times analysis of the role of social media. Over at Foreign Policy, Evgeny Morozov has a great post on yesterday’s events. He asks: “Will we remember the events that are now unfolding in Chisinau not by the color of the flags but by the social-networking technology used?”

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5 comentarii la “Mitul “revolutiei twitter” se destrama”

  1. ai dreptate :)

  2. Cam asa e…..

  3. Asa ziceam si eu :)

  4. [...] toate comunicatiile. Unii ne-am bucurat cand i-a fost pusa rapid eticheta de REVOLUTIA TWITTERita. Insa nu e chiar asa (zic altii!). Si totusi ce se intampla acolo? E un fel de revolta pasiva asemanatoare cu Piata [...]

  5. [...] Twitter din Moldova” a fost o simpla figura de stil. Mai mult, alegerile europene au aratat ca, la nivelul UE, lucrurile nu sunt prea roze. La nivel [...]

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