Guvernare 2.0 vs. Web 2.0
Voios nevoie mare pentru ca am hotspot in IOR, va propun cateva spicuiri din materialul lui Peter Swire, How the White House is using Web 2.0 technology so far:
So if we use 2.0 to control 2.0, if we have feedback to get to better 2.0, and if we use 2.0 with better policies in place, we can have openness and embrace the new technologies, but still uphold the other things we care about as the federal government does this.
The federal government is there for all the people. Section 508 of the Disabilities Act says the federal government has to be very good about being accessible to people who are colorblind, who can’t hear, who can’t see. A lot of those Web 2.0 services haven’t been as careful about meeting all the federal standards for access.
One question is whether federal employees should be able to use Facebook and other Web 2.0 sites when they’re at work. Well, we sure want to let federal employees use their initiative, sign up for useful services, try to find a way for a thousand flowers of Web 2.0 to bloom. We want to encourage openness, we want to encourage experimentation. But we also eventually have to have the policies step in that are supposed to be there.
When a user goes to a federal website there’s strict privacy rules to make sure the federal agency isn’t grabbing lots of data from that person, setting cookies on that person, etc. But when the person goes to a free web service, a Web 2.0 service, those same privacy protections might not be in place.
Urmariti filmul de mai sus. Intregul material il gasiti aici (format pdf). Si o intrebare: oare dupa ce provocarile de mai sus li se vor gasi solutii (pentru ca solutii, sunt sigur, se vor gasi), web 2.0 va fi mai mult sau mai putin decat este acum?
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