Barack Obama si stupiditatile politicienilor romani

Barack Obama si stupiditatile politicienilor romani

Senatorul Joe Biden, colegul de cursa electorala al lui Barack Obama este un bun cunoscator al politicii Romanesti. Din pacate, poate prea bun…

Jim Rosapepe, fost ambasador al SUA, rememoreaza in editia de ieri a The Minnesota Indepedent vizita efectuata de Joe Biden la Bucuresti in septembrie 1999 si incredibila gafa a unor politicieni romani:

In most of our meetings, Romanian leaders reiterated their strong interest in joining the NATO alliance. At lunch at my house with opposition party leaders, one of them said that NATO membership was important to their country for a reason I’d never hear before.

“If we’re in NATO, we won’t have to worry about NATO attacking Romania over our relations with our Hungarian minority the way you attacked Yugoslavia,” he said. “Since Turkey has been in NATO for decades, you let them do what they want with the Kurdish minority.”

Biden, visibly angry, rose from his chair, leaned across the table closer to the man, and said: “If that’s why you want to get into NATO, I’ll make sure you never do!”

Cooler Romanian heads assured Biden — and me — that the gentleman was being misunderstood and they were committed to good relations with their Hungarian minority. And in fact they were right. When the opposition came to power a year later, the Hungarian party in Romania supported government. And in 2004, Romania did join NATO – with Joe Biden’s support.

Pentru a nu va pune intrebari inutile: pe atunci opozitia era formata din PDSR (actual PSD), PRM si PUNR…

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1 comentariu la “Barack Obama si stupiditatile politicienilor romani”

  1. Jeeeez! In this light…really, how the he** we get into NATO? :)

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