
News 2.0, incotro?

In Dilema Veche, Lucian Popescu prezinta un rezumat al raportului “The State of the News Media 2007″. Un raport publicat de catre Project for Excellence in Journalism, care ar trebui sa puna pe ganduri orice manager din media.

Inca nu exista modele clare pentru jurnalismul online, iar unele trasaturi ale sale sunt exploatate doar marginal. (…)Sectorul “online” este printre foarte putinele care mai inregistrează cresteri de venituri. (…)Intr-un fel sau altul, toate organizatiile de media devin intr-o masură tot mai mare jucatori de nisa.

Intregul raport se gaseste aici. Si merita citit. Iata doar doua motive:

Blogging is on the brink of a new phase that will probably include scandal, profitability for some, and a splintering into elites and non-elites over standards and ethics. The use of blogs by political campaigns in the mid-term elections of 2006 is already intensifying in the approach to the presidential election of 2008. Corporate public-relations efforts are beginning to use blogs as well, often covertly. (…)To protect themselves, some of the best-known bloggers are already forming associations, with ethics codes, standards of conduct and more. The paradox of professionalizing the medium to preserve its integrity as an independent citizen platform is the start of a complicated new era in the evolution of the blogosphere.

There are signs, meanwhile, that those the press is charged with monitoring, including the government, corporations and activists, have reacted more quickly. Politicians, interest groups and corporate public relations people tell PEJ they have bloggers now on secret retainer — and they are delighted with the results.

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